We structure our marketplace to minimize late shipping and the impact of shipping delays.
Curators are only responsible for shipping the item out by the mandatory ship date displayed in the Reservation, not delivery by a certain date.
If a Curator fails to ship on time, they are charged a penalty equal to 10% of the transaction's value, and the Customer can cancel the order and receive a full refund so long as the Item has not been shipped.
For shipped Items, Customers should select a Receive By that begins two days before they need the item to minimize the impact of late deliveries!
If an Item does not arrive more than two days after the Receive By date, Celeb will refund the Customer for the cost of the transaction.
We know that shipping delays can occur. If the Celeb has paid for a guaranteed-date delivery service, they can claim a full refund from the delivery provider for the cost of shipping. To request a refund from USPS, visit this link!
Curators must ship on time, and Customers should select a Receive By date 2 days before they need an item. We cover the rest!

Written by Celeb
Updated over 8 months ago